admin 发表于 2024-3-24 20:45:42


华人们注意啦!Dollarma已就隐藏费用的集体诉讼达成和解,如果购物者在4月5日之前提交索赔,则可以获得部分和解金。根据蒙特利尔LPC Avocats律师事务所的一份声明,高等法院就有关征收环境处理费(EHF)的产品价格未正确公布的指控达成了一项协议。符合EHF资格的产品包括电池、电子产品、灯泡或带电池的玩具。Dollarama被指控没有正确显示产品价格,并收取更高的总价或EHF费用,“该费用高于这些产品显示的价格或法律允许的价格。”声明中写道:“Dollarama否认有任何责任或不当行为。也没有法院就其有任何不当行为作出评论。”听证会定于4月9日举行,届时将决定是否批准和解,然后在惊醒赔偿分配。这对Dollarma的顾客意味着什么?根据LPC Avocats的说法,任何在魁省(2019年12月11日至2023年7月4日期间),或在加拿大其他地方(2021年5月29日至2023年7月4日期间)在Dollarama购物的人都被视为该协会集体诉讼的成员。因此,你有资格申领一张最高价值$15加元的礼品卡。这张礼品卡可以在加拿大任何一家Dollarama使用,且永不过期,并且可以多次使用。具体的金额可能会较低,具体将取决于符合资格的索赔人的数量。要提交索赔,请登录网站并输入电子邮箱:如果和解获得批准,大家将收到一封电子邮件,通知你填写索赔表。提交索赔的截止日期是4月5日。满足条件的朋友们快冲吧!

admin 发表于 2024-3-24 20:50:05

If you purchased a product subject to an Ecofee (for example batteries, electronic products, light bulbs, or toys with batteries) from Dollarama in Québec between December 11, 2019 and July 4, 2023, or elsewhere in Canada between May 29, 2021 and July 4, 2023, you are a member of this class action and you are eligible to claim a gift card.

A proposed national Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit about prices advertised and charged by Dollarama for products subject to Ecofees it sold in Canada. The Plaintiff in the lawsuit alleged that Dollarama did not properly display the price of products subject to Ecofees and charged a total price or Ecofees higher than displayed for these products or allowed by law. Dollarama denies any liability or wrongdoing and no Court has concluded in any wrongdoing on its part. The Court will hold a hearing on April 9, 2024 to decide whether to approve the Settlement before any compensation is provided to Class Members.

Each eligible person may obtain a Gift Card with a maximum value of $15.00 that can be redeemed in any Dollarama store in Canada, does not expire and can be used in multiple transactions. You may link the Gift Card to your Dollarama mobile application which can be downloaded in the app store on your mobile phone. The value of each Gift card may be reduced depending on the total number of eligible claimants, such that the value of each Gift Card may be less than $15.00. In order to receive a Gift card, each eligible person must provide a valid e-mail address.

To claim a gift card as described above, you must first provide your e-mail address on this website by April 5th, 2024.
Following the settlement approval hearing on April 9, 2024, should the settlement be approved, you will be notified by e-mail when the claim form is available.
More information on the settlement can be found below and in the documents section.
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