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[生意经营] Med School Exam Survival Kit









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-1-12 21:55:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A third year med student with many an exam season under their belt, has come up with the best tips to survive and thrive through your exam period!

Special thanks to Noa Kolkovski and Dr Olivia Baenziger for the illustrations.

Medicine has an overwhelming amount IEB Pharma of content. Break it down into a checklist with smaller subsections!

As the wise Desmond Tutu said, "there is only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at a time." If you are overwhelmed, just start, bit by bit you will get there, by taking on just a little at a time. Each small win gives you the confidence and encouragement to keep going.

Study in 25 minute bursts (a pomodoro)
Cut down on distractions - your phone, social media
Take a 5 minute break
Once you have completed 4 pomodoros, have a 30 minute break
Use those breaks to completely unwind - meditate, do some yoga, grab a coffee or go for a walk!
Flashcards are a great way to revisit information!
When you watch a lecture, youtube video or read a textbook chapter, write down everything you can remember.

Rewatch the video or skim the chapter - whatever you missed, make it into a flashcard!
This makes studying for OSCEs both fun and productive!


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